Publications at the BMWZ
Showing results 151 - 160 out of 285
Surup, F., Kuhnert, E., Böhm, A., Pendzialek, T., Solga, D., Wiebach, V., Engler, H., Berkessel, A., Stadler, M., & Kalesse, M. (2018). The Rickiols: 20-, 22-, and 24-membered Macrolides from the Ascomycete Hypoxylon rickii. Chemistry - a European journal, 24(9), 2200-2213.
Wasil, Z., Kuhnert, E., Simpson, T. J., & Cox, R. J. (2018). Oryzines A & B, Maleidride Congeners from Aspergillus oryzae and Their Putative Biosynthesis. Journal of Fungi, 4(3), Article 96.
Yue, Q., Stahl, F., Plettenburg, O., Kirschning, A., Warnecke, A., & Zeilinger, C. (2018). The Noncompetitive Effect of Gambogic Acid Displaces Fluorescence-Labeled ATP but Requires ATP for Binding to Hsp90/HtpG. Biochemistry, 57(18), 2601-2605.
Ammermann, J., Schmidt, T., Donner, J., Reck, M., Dalton, M., Stumpp, N., Stiesch, M., Wagner-Döbler, I., & Kirschning, A. (2017). The carolactam strategy is ineffective: Synthesis and biological evaluation of carolactam. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 15(40), 8553-8558.
Ceylan, S., Law, H. C. H., Kirschning, A., & Toy, P. H. (2017). Organocatalytic Alkyne Isomerizations under Flow Conditions Using Heterogeneous Bifunctional Polystyrene Bearing Phosphine and Phenol Groups. Synthesis (Germany), 49(1), 145-150. Article ss-2016-z0440-op.
Codutti, L., Grimaldi, M., & Carlomagno, T. (2017). Structure-Based Design of Scaffolds Targeting PDE10A by INPHARMA-NMR. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 57(6), 1488-1498.
Donner, J., Reck, M., Bunk, B., Jarek, M., App, C. B., Meier-Kolthoff, J. P., Overmann, J., Müller, R., Kirschning, A., & Wagner-Döbler, I. (2017). The biofilm inhibitor carolacton enters Gram-negative cells: Studies using a Tol-Cdeficient strain of Escherichia coli. mSphere, 2(5), Article e00375-17.
Helmsen, S., Ahlbrecht, C., Hrupins, V., Stahl, F., & Zeilinger, C. (2017). Entwicklung komplexer Screening verfahren am Beispiel von Hsp90. BioSpektrum, 23(5), 540-543.
Jara-Avaca, M., Kempf, H., Rückert, M., Robles-Diaz, D., Franke, A., de la Roche, J., Fischer, M., Malan, D., Sasse, P., Solodenko, W., Dräger, G., Kirschning, A., Martin, U., & Zweigerdt, R. (2017). EBIO Does Not Induce Cardiomyogenesis in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells but Modulates Cardiac Subtype Enrichment by Lineage-Selective Survival. Stem Cell Reports, 8(2), 305-317.
Karaca, E., Rodrigues, J. P. G. L. M., Graziadei, A., Bonvin, A. M. J. J., & Carlomagno, T. (2017). M3: an integrative framework for structure determination of molecular machines. Nature Methods, 14(9), 897-902.