Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research BMWZ Events
Prof. Dr. Chelvam Venkatesh: Small Molecule Inhibitors to target Cancer, Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases
31 May
31. May. 2022 | 16:15 - 17:15
Veranstaltungen | OCI

Prof. Dr. Chelvam Venkatesh: Small Molecule Inhibitors to target Cancer, Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases

Wir begrüßen Prof. Dr. Chelvam Venkatesh (Indian Institute of Technology Indor) für einen Vortrag.



Event organiser/s



31. May. 2022
16:15 - 17:15


Institut für organische Chemie
Building: 2505
Room: 056
Großer Hörsaal
Schneiderberg 1b
30167 Hannover
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